In June of 2020, according to the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, a massive 42% of American full-time workers were working full time from home. Working from home can be a struggle in itself, with so many distractions compared to the office, and on top of that, the never-ending troubles and anxieties this year seems to bring. Effectively working from home is a process and an adjustment, but we’re here to help with 5 ways to improve your headspace and workspace so that you can succeed in your 9-5.
Create a designated workspace: It seems obvious, but for those who live in small apartments or spaces that don’t accommodate this, it can prove difficult. For instance, in my last apartment, my roommate and I had no table other than our coffee table. I eventually caved and purchased a small desk on Amazon and almost immediately my work ethic increased.
Keep a routine: Waking up, brushing your teeth, ensuring you have your cup of coffee, all the little things you did each morning before your commute had a huge impact on your productivity and energy levels. Keeping as close to your schedule that you held while in the office is also something to strive for, it will help create a sense of normality and keep you motivated.
Take a walk, exercise, and take breaks: It’s been proven time and time again that being outside and fresh air do wonders for your health. Take a stroll around the block every few hours and disconnect yourself from the technology and stress around you. If you have downtime at work, utilize it to get your heart rate up by doing a quick online exercise. And speaking of breaks, make sure to give yourself time to get away from your screen. Just because you’re at home, that doesn’t mean you need to overwork. With the unprecedented times we are in, nurturing your mental and physical health is of utmost importance.
Make lists: It’s easy to get distracted, even easier when you have a television, roommates, a dog, or children all in the same space. Writing down each and every task you have to complete, both long and short term, will allow you to stay organized and motivated to cross items off your list.
Upgrade your technology: It’s difficult to switch from your desktop screen (or two) at the office to a single desktop or even just a laptop. Requesting the supplies you need from your company will allow you to effectively work from home, minimizing unnecessary technological adjustments. Many businesses allow employees to bring their desktops and other equipment home so they can continue their work with less of a learning curve.
Hopefully these tips will bring productivity and peace to your workday. Many companies and organizations plan on allowing their employees to work from home for the foreseeable future due to the continuing threat of COVID-19. You can be just as productive at home as you are in the office with a few simple adjustments.