The goal of the ASPIRE program is to empower individuals and families by overcoming barriers (language, life skills, financial literacy, parenting skills, leadership skills, etc) that allow them to create meaningful change. Participants will benefit through personal and family engagement that helps them improve their skills.

Community programs to assist adults in learning and improving literacy skills like reading, writing, and math.

The FIT (Families Involved Together) program helps parents become literacy leaders in their homes. Parents and children are taught a corresponding lesson for the first hour of class, and for the remaining 30 minutes come together to share what they have learned.

Our Citizenship Course prepares students for U.S. citizenship by helping them complete the application paperwork, conducting mock interviews, and teaching U.S. history relative to the citizenship exam.

Workplace Literacy is a program in which ESOL or Basic Literacy classes are taught to employees of area businesses. Classes are held at the employees’ work site, and the instructor develops the curriculum by taking into consideration both the literacy needs of the employees as well as the requirements of their job. Employers pay a fee for this service. Classes are open only to employees of the business.

Business Grammar is taught to help participants be successful in the work place. Business grammar goes beyond our everyday language use and focuses on what is expected when writing emails and memos, or answering calls on the job.

A.M.P. is operated by Columbus Literacy Council with funding provided by Franklin County Comissioners and administered by FCDJFS. This career and work-readiness program provides job skills and work experience to youth and young adults between the ages of 14-24 in Franklin County.

Our Spanish courses are offered at varying levels to introduce students to the language and culture. Spanish is a commonly used language in the U.S. Learning it will allow for easier communication with Spanish speakers.

Beginning American Sign Language (ASL) classes are offered to individuals wanting to learn how to communicate with members of the Deaf Community. Students learn the foundations of the language, communication basics, and about Deaf culture.